Andrea Yates.... what can I say about her?
Well, since the discovery of her horrific crimes (infanticide times five), there has always been a symapthetic thread running through the commentary on television. Katie Couric, paragon of television virtues, posted information for her defense fund. NOW, et al., empathized, sympathized, and otherwise tried to obfuscate the criminality of the murders she committed.
"She didn't know what she was doing!" was the mantra (and still is).
Well, it became apparnet during the trial that, yes, Mrs. Yates knew what she was doing. It was a deliberate act. She chose to kill her children, and in a manner that, while not bloody, must have been horrifying to the kids in the tub and even more so to the poor kids who died last. It was a brutal choice she made, worthy of Peter Singer. I bet he'd explain the crime away as post-partum abortion, a free choice for the poor, bedraggled mother.
That almost seems to be the road that Couric, NOW, and other leftist pundits seem to be taking. It's close, although they often tinge it in terms of alleged mental illness. Andrea Yates is sick, but sick in the way that other murderers are sick -- and that's not a way that merits time at Sunnyvale Farm. It's not post-partum abortion. It's murder, and the jury decided correctly.
Victor Davis Hanson on War & Middle East on National Review Online
VDH is one of the best military/political authors i've read in international affairs.
America Attacked 9 1 1
Please take a look. And please, please remember.
Remember why we are at war.
Remember why we must fight.
Remember who and what we lost.
Thank you.
RhinoTimes.Com-Current Stories -- Orson Scott Card is amazing. Please read this...
OpinionJournal - Dorothy Rabinowitz's Media Log-- on victimhood...
Apparently, some of the families of the victims of the attacks on the WTC are unhappy with either the amount that they recevied, or with the fact that they have to deduct life insurance and other death benefits from the amount received.
While they've suffered a tragic loss, and under the most violent and sympathy rousing circumstances, the families of the victims need to cool it. The money from the Victim's Fund is not an entitlement. It is a gift, from the American People, by way of Congress.
To the families -- Be grateful that you're being given any compensation at all -- had your loved one died in a car wreck, even on the very same day, you wouldn't be getting anything extra at all, other than the insurance or death benefits you would have purchased with your money or earned through your job.
I sympathize with your loss; September 11 was less than a year after the death of my father, so I do understand what you're feeling with the loss of a loved one.
You have the Nation's sympathy. You have our thoughts and prayers. You have a not inconsiderable gift from the Nation in the terms of the roughly $1.85M designated by the Victim's Fund we established. Isn't that enough?
The Suicide of the Palestinians
By way of Jonah Goldberg's articel I mentioned previously. Read this, if you read nothing else today.
Jonah Goldberg's Goldberg File on National Review Online
Jonah makes an excellent point... yeah, Muslims are humans, but they don't act like it.