
OpinionJournal - America the Beautiful -- About the twin towers of light. A must read.


A Texas Prayer before battle, on NRO's The Corner...
Anti-Americanism blamed on college teachers -- The Washington Times Interesting... and quite likely true. I recall having a grand time in college baiting the local Red profs (as opposed to the Redneck profs -- hey, this was in Texas). One government prof, we'll call him Dr. B, was immense fun. Properly baited, he would come off track and into an hour long diatribe on the ills and problems of the US system. We used to work him into apoplexy -- veins bulging, eyes bugged out, face as red as his politics, sweat running down his round jowls to be flung from his beard in frantic gesticulations. Amazingly enough, I passed his class by regurgitating his pap back at him. It was fun, in a perverse way. It was also very educational. I could sort of get into his ehad, and see why he was thinking what he was thinking. It was mostly reactionary pap, a byproduct of his false sense of superiority. His fury came from his ideology being both questioned and, to an extent, ridiculed. Ah, the good ol' days...
John Derbyshire asks in NRO's "The Corner" if we are heading for decades of one party rule... Mr. Derbyshire, we already have had decades of one party rule in the USA. Since the 1930s, the democrats have more or less controlled Congress and the major state houses. They have not donme so through superior capabilities, but rather through an amazing lack of ethics combined with media complicity. The absence of ethics comes with their constant shrieks of "McCarthyism!" at the slightest provocation, the unfounded cries of "Racism!" at every turn, and the vilification of their opponents with attack ads such as the anti-Goldwater ad featuring a little girl and a nuclear explosion. Media complicity is not a product of conspiracy, but rather a product of common goals. Just as a football fan will root for a player on "his" team, even when the player has made some grevious error (hello, Raven and Ray Lewis fans, Cowboy and Micheal Irvin fans), reporters, editors, and commentators will tend to downplay the negatives of the guy on their side in a given conflict. The reporter may be rooting agains the voucher plans for schools because his side is against the voucher plans for schools, and his coverage will reflect that, albeit subtly. The editor may nix a positive story about the voucher plan and its results because of his bias, but justify it through space or time considerations. The commentator doesn't need an excuse, but he has the platform under his feet, and more commentators are on the Democrats side than on any other. The changes in the last two decades haven't been enough, and most importantly, haven't been in the attitudes of the constituents. People still buy into the FDR model of government. That is what must change, and I beleive that it will, in due time, as government steps on more and more toes. It'll take a long time to get it turned around.


The Harvard Crimson Online :: Opinion Harvard appoints a Castro crony as a professor. Further proof that the Ivy League is becoming the Vile League.
Rabbi Daniel Lapin on Danielle Van Dam & child abductions on National Review Online -- A good read. Child abduction and murder is not as random as one might be led to believe...
Opinion Journal reports from the educational mecca that is the University of Texas. Further proof that those who can't do, teach.
Thomas J. Bray tackles the lefty-liberal Democrat attack dogs and their mantra of a "conservative conspiracy". Attacks such as this show the Democrats for what they are -- irrational ideologues. The judeges discussed went to the conferences in question to discuss issues rationally, to try and find common ground with their opponents, and to learn from all sides, but they are attacked as though they'd gone to a KKK & neo-Nazi reunion.
OpinionJournal writes on the glory that is the Socialist Utopia called Cuba...


OpinionJournal on what we need to do to ensure the functioning of Congress and therefore the government. Think of it -- if a successful attack on a joint session wiped out the Congress, and if that action was by a state that we could declare war on, who would declare war? Who would allocate the funds to make war (longer term issue)?
Buzzmachine has a great read...
France is not trustworthy, and here's why. The French consider themselves the epitome of Civilization... but how can any country that worships the ground that Jerry Lewis walks on be the epitome of anything?
Happy Six month war anniversary. I watched the CBS documentary "9/11" last night. If you didn't, you should have. It will restore your memory of that day, plus it illustrates the courage of the FDNY in ways that no other documentary could have.